Sunday, September 28, 2014

Assignment reviews of movies

1. For the first one the category is how the movie "The Matrix" is suspenseful. The criteria that goes along with uses examples of how it is suspenseful. It uses scenes that were used in the movie and explained how it was suspenseful. It also talks about how the movie was well written and uses a quote to prove how memorable the line is. I think they this person used good relevance. They had the right information for what they were talking about. I think the fairness is not very good because at the end he talks about how other sci-fi movies are crap which wasn't very nice to say.

2. This review's category focuses on pathos. It explains how much emotion this movie brings to the audience and explains several examples of where and how it brings emotion to the audience. The examples do explain pathos and the relevance is good. The fairness of the review is good. It doesn't say much that is rude, its pretty fair too me.

3. This review is about how the movie is not made well. The review explains all the negative things about it and gives examples of how it had too many details and it was confusing which is pretty relevant with how the movie is not very good. The fairness of it was ok. It wasn't mean at all. The review was just explaining how its not that good of movie. It does not say mean stuff about the movie just the basic stuff that can go wrong with movies.

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